NEW Product Launch! Introducing The JULIE NEWS, OTHER, SHOPMegan GroteJune 25, 2021PRODUCT, RECOVERY, NEWComment
Happy Mother's Day from With Grace B. Bold! OTHER, SUPPORTMegan GroteMay 10, 2021OTHER, SUPPORTComment
What should I wear after having a mastectomy? SHOP, OTHER, SUPPORTMegan GroteApril 16, 2021PRODUCT, MASTECTOMY, RECOVERYComment
THIS JUST IN! WGBB x Kendra Scott hosting a special Mother's Day virtual giveback event! NEWS, OTHER, EVENTMegan GroteApril 15, 2021NEWS, EVENTComment
NEW Product Launch and the She Made It Podcast! NEWS, PRESSMegan GroteMarch 25, 2021NEWS, PODCAST, PRESSComment
The GIVEBACK PROGRAM: Giving back is always in style OTHERMegan GroteMarch 25, 2021OTHER, GIVEBACK PROGRAMComment
On International Women's Day, we're celebrating YOU! OTHERMegan GroteMarch 25, 2021OTHER, SUPPORTComment
The ANN ELIZABETH: A New Way to Wear the Drain SHOPMegan GroteMarch 4, 2021PRODUCT, THE ANN ELIZABETHComment
Did you know that The EILEEN is great for lots of different needs? SHOPMegan GroteMarch 4, 2021PRODUCT, THE EILEEN Comment